The first climb, over Sunrise Mountain was difficult, but not as hard as I had expected. It broke thr group up, which was desperately needed. I'd like to say that I kept a strong pace, but I spun up at my own, ratehr slow pace and focused on saving glycogen stores for the next 100 miles.
From there to Boulder City was a beautiful ride. With the exception of 1,500 riders hitting the first aide station that only had five porta-potties, this section was fantastic. Getting to be the first ones to go out on the new bypass bridge was a very cool part of the event as well (see my earlier posted pic).The two miles down to the bridge meant two added miles to the climb out of Boulder City, which was absolutely blistering. We felt the heat for the first time of the day. Everyone was fried at the top of the climb, but the view was fantastic. From there to our lunch stop was rolling and a much more conversational section of the ride for everyone in my group (ie, those who just wanted to finish). By this point everyone began to recognize people they had been passing back and forth and short term friendships began to form.
The lunch stop was simply crazy! Take a look...
There were at least 140 cyclists waiting for lunch. No way! Then... Jackpot! A guy in a Jason's Deli shirt says, "Hey, we can give you guys the lunches right out of the back of the truck if you want." Lunch with no waiting. Sweet! I stuffed it all in my jersey pockets and then back on the road. My greatest cycling feat ever: passing 140 cyclists in a matter of 5 minutes or less!
One more thing. I had to make a quick call to the wife for an update. They met me on the road a few miles later, close to our house, with signs to cheer me on. I stopped for a few minutes to see them and my wife let me unload some stuff (arm warmers, half a warm turkey wrap...)
Back on the bike... 3 miles later... FLAT! In a place on St. Rose Parkway with no shade to change it, and it was getting hot! Mid to high 80's and some humidity. I got it changed pretty quick and went on hoping that I didn't flat again since I only brought one spare tube.
Next was one of my favorite sections of the course going through Southern Highlands. It's a section I ride frequently on what I call my "Abel Ride" because it goes past my friend Abel's house. It's artificially green and lush. It also has some nice downhill sections. I may get dropped going uphill, but I coast past anyone on a downhill!
Next was the ride out to Blue Diamond. It is about 10 miles of non-stop gradual uphill in the heat of the day and I BONKED! A for real bonk. My pace slowed to 6 MPH at one point and I was dizzy and nauseated. those last 3 miles to the aid station seemed like forever. I was out of water and the thought of a energy gel made me sick. I struggled and got there and spent about 20 minutes refueling: water, oranges and cookies for fast sugar, potato chips for salt... I left eating a mini sized Cliff bar knowing that I had gone 90 miles and I was going to at least make 100. There were a couple more agonizing hills going out to Red Rock, and then I began to feel better. By the time I reached 100 miles, I was in the long downhill section coming back into Vegas. At the last aid station at the top of Alta a few riders promised me, under penalty of death for lying, that it was downhill or flat all the way back to the RTC. They lived.
The last part of the ride was great. A few riders ended up kind of together. With the exception of the stop lights we were averaging 19 MPH. Pretty good at the end of 115 miles. My parents found a spot along Alta to cheer me on as I went by.

After the finish I sat down with my plate of food from Outback, looking at it and thinking "there is no way on earth my stomach can handle this right now." A few of the riders I was riding with happened to sit at the same table. One said, "Weren't you and I riding together the last 5 miles", I said back to her "You mean, wasn't I drafting you the last 5 miles?"
I ate a bit, packed up the car, and headed home. It was a HARD day. It was a GOOD day!
This picture was taken about 108 miles into the ride.
The look of determination is a deep longing for the finish.
(Photo by Janette King, aka "Mom")